Fraud, Guns, and Lawyers

A bureaucrat once was addressing myself and the other public hospital commissioners on the Jefferson County Public Hospital District board. He was talking about some conflict on capital hill or in the Washington State legislature and then finished with something like, “…well that’s when its about guns and lawyers.”

I asked him what he meant by “guns and lawyers” being the final conclusion and he just said thats what all conflicts come down to eventually and one of them will decide it.

I’ve reflected upon this assertion that all conflicts end at “guns and lawyers” and I now find it wrong. But I understand why bureaucrats use this as their guiding principle. For them, it works 99.99% of the time. But that is only because they never have to face violence- because they are the most insulated from it.

It real life, guns decide everything.

If I have a gun and you have a lawyer, who will win when we come to conflict? Unless your lawyer is Jackie Chan or Rhonda Rousey, then I win.

To the bureaucrat, they are not really even talking about guns or actual violence. A bureaucrat at worst is usually only risking legal action, either criminal or civil, and only risk being forced to do anything physically against their desires- such as going to jail – if they lose. And a bureaucrat will do everything they can to make sure they are not the losers of a legal event.

Yet, a bureaucrat constantly wants everyone around them to believe the conflicts they are waging with you are about guns and lawyers. They believe they will never lose with the lawyers, and so they want you to believe the guns in this discussion are all on their side. Guns and lawyers means, if guns get involved, my lawyers will make sure the guns are pointed at you and not me.

But reality is physical. You may have a clever lawyer or bureaucrat or politician that can make a convincing argument that you are absolutely right- for example, this may be legally your land. But if I am standing upon this land you claim as yours, I have won the argument. You now must find a gun or a lawyer or judge to instruct someone holding a gun, or other force of violence, to remove me from your land. (Or you can try other methods).

The Legal System is a Haven of Violence Loving Bureaucrats

Lawyers are fighters. In my experience as a hospital commissioner, this has become crystal clear. I majored in philosophy because I am a warrior for finding the ultimate truth about the biggest questions I can imagine. Lawyers enter law because they love battling over truth and debating to win arguments. They enjoy it like a prize fighter enjoys a fight. But lawyers are must mercenaries who obey the agenda of their clients.

Our legal system, and all legal systems on earth, were created by the intelligent members of our society who love winning arguments and controlling real power. Inevitably, this legal system became filled with a broad complex interwoven society of people who have access to infinite legal expertise- often because they don’t pay for it with their own money – who wield their access to legal power like a threat of violence- because that is what it is, and they are the masters of it.

Who Has True Valid Authority?

I have a cousin who is a high powered lawyer and I once told him I found certain laws wrong. He said to me, “Well, that’s the law of the land.”

I said, “Sometimes the law is wrong.”

He laughed at me. But he is a lawyer. The law is his playground. I am an activist. I want utopia on earth. The law is a guideline, an agreement made in society by some people with the hope others will obey it. If corrupt people are writing the laws or responsible for enforcing the laws, then I say in the words or Eric Weinstein, “You are dead to me.”

UFOs, Aliens, and JFK

David Grusch has confirmed what Bob Lazar and many others have been indicating for years.

A subset of people in the US Government are hiding the most important and transformative secret in human history from the general populace, aliens are real and they are here.

This subset of people in the US Government is part of some united group of beings, perhaps all human, perhaps alien and human, perhaps alien, human and AI- has declared itself the wise leader of all humanity who alone will decide what we ordinary humans get to know about our true nature, origin, history.

Moreover, this subset of people care not for the “law of the land” or for your army of lawyers who stand by you. They do what they want. They kill who they want to kill. Or at least, they have gotten away with that until now.

David Grusch, Ryan Graves, David Fravor, Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon, Linda Howe, Steven Greer and many others have stood up and said “enough.”

I too say, “enough with the lies.”

We can handle the truth. And you do not have a right to use it to your own private ends.

Humanity, we may need to throw out the current “laws of the land” and start over. If you wish to discuss this, join me on

Matt Ready, @meditationMatt on twitter

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