Podcast Coming Soon: The Mindful Activist

So, I am about to once again become a podcaster.  I’ve recorded a bunch of content already….just need to do some more editing and…a million other things before the official launch.  More info can and will be found below.

Two podcast efforts I am working on:

The Mindful Activist – a podcast hosted on http://hive1.net in a 24 hour live Human Hive Mind node.  You must login with your Facebook account to participate until we come up with other options.

http://activistcorner.com – a podcast focused on interviews with front line activists and thoughtful people working to make the world a better place for everyone.  This podcast invites regular audience participation through regular Skype and other live video connections in addition to simultaneous use of the latest Global Consensus Platform during and between shows.

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This entry was posted in Activism, Egalitarian Activism, Facilitation, Global Consensus Project, Mindfulness, Occupy Movement, Podcast, Right Effort, Single Payer Healthcare. Bookmark the permalink.