Matt Ready, Why are you obsessed with Aliens?

Recently, I was interviewed by myself and ChatGPT. Here is the transcript.

Who are you?

My name is Matthew William Ready, generally known as Matt Ready.  But that is just a name, a label.

Who am I really?  What really is the essence of me?  

Who are you really?  What really is the essence of you?

Why are you so obsessed with aliens?

I am not obsessed with aliens, but I am obsessed with seeking the truth about life, history, morality, utopia, happiness, God, gods, goddesses, divine energy, life after death, artificial intelligence, and the true nature of reality.  This obsession with figuring out the truth about everything I find interesting, has lead me to reconsider everything I have ever thought about advanced non-human civilizations interacting with humanity.

What exactly made you take the idea of aliens, or advanced non-human civilizations so seriously?

Ah my favorite question.  If only I was asked this question multiple times a day by people truly interested in hearing the answer.

I am interested.

Yes, that is because I am writing this script.

Ah, true.  Well, is that good enough for now?


Great.  So tell me, what exactly made you take the idea of aliens, or advanced non-human civilizations so seriously?

Well, here is my youtube playlist I have been compiling for the last few years.  You could peruse this:  

When I first started this list, the very first video i put in the list was this one titled:  

Youtube Video:  “’Aliens Exist,’ According to Ex-Israeli Space Chief“

This video does not provide any particularly strong proof or evidence of aliens.  Rather, it is a news story covering an Ex-Israeli space chief who went public saying: Aliens exist, a Galactic Federation exists, and there are joint operations between humans and aliens including a base on Mars.

Why is this video the first on the list?  Well, when i started the playlist, I had already consumed information that I found profoundly credible about the existence of advanced flying crafts that basically matched many of the cliche stories about flying saucers that seem to fly with antigravity at extreme speeds doing maneuvers impossible by current human technology and science.  This evidence includes the famous Tic Tac UFO encounter by David Fravor and his companion pilots, as well as the Gimble UFO incident documented by pilots associated with pilot Ryan Graves.  Here is a 60 minutes story about these videos:  

Youtube Video:  Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs

ChatGPT Asks a Followup: “”You’ve provided some compelling references and points of consideration regarding UFO encounters and extraterrestrial claims. With the vast amount of information, theories, and speculations out there, how do you discern credible sources from those that might be misleading?”

Identifying credible reliable data is one of the most challenging aspects of this topic.  I was raised to believe that our academic, scientific, and mainstream media communities practiced a relatively honest search for truth about humanity and human history.  I am now forced to try to imagine how all of these sectors of humanity may have been knowingly or unknowingly participating in an act of gross mass deception and gaslighting going back deep into both our recent history our ancient history, and even to the very beginning of our species.

Clearly, this is where you are now. But why?  What evidence do you find so compelling that you would entertain seriously the possibility of such an enormous and largely successful deception of the masses of humanity?

The change in my mind was not instantaneous or easy.  I first viewed and listened to the pilot commentaries on the famous “Go Fast” video of the Tic Tac UFO and the Gimble videos on a clip from The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.  Yet, when I first consumed these, my brain merely made a deep “Hmmmmm” to itself.  I put the videos and the pilots apparent reactions into a bucket in my brain we might call “unknown mysteries.”

The videos stayed in this compartment in my brain until Commander David Fravor made an appearance on both the Joe Rogan Experience and the Lex Friedman podcast.  I listened to both these interviews with deep interest and I simply found David Fravor absolutely credible.  Moreover, it was clear he was not the lone witness to the events of the Tic Tac UFO.  He was with 3 other pilots during his encounter and another talented pilot named Underwood is the person who actually captured the Go Fast video and you can hear his exclamation,”Wooohoooo Got it!” on the audio.  Having multiple credible witnesses caused me to rule out the possibility that Fravor was fooled by some targeted shenanigans – such as things like hypnosis that could make someone believe something not real.

Eventually, the New York Times broke its ground breaking piece on the reality of UFO’s and 60 minutes did the story I linked to above.  Again, all this was powerful and compelling, but the thing that really pushed me over the top was discovering Youtuber Chris Lehto.  Lehto is a former fighter pilot who started investigating all these reports and videos of other navy pilots and sharing his thoughts on Youtube.  

I truly believe the exact moment captured in the screenshot above is what pushed my brain over the edge.  This is from 

Holy Breakfast! The UFO Navy videos are real! FLIR videos analyzed by ex-Fighter Pilot

This is a moment at the very beginning of Lehto’s video, after he plays a clip from the 60 Minutes interview with Lou Elizondo, where Elizondo says to Bill Whitaker, “Imagine a technology that can do six to seven hundred g forces that can fly at thirteen thousand miles an hour that uh it can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space and oh by the way has no obvious signs of propulsions no wings no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of earth’s gravity that’s precisely what we’re seeing.”  After playing that 60 minutes clip, Chris Lehto just looks into the camera and says in a slow and authentically shocked murmur, “Whaaaaat?”  And that was it.  I was staring into the eyes of someone who I believed was honestly consuming the same data as myself, and he was allowing us to witness his genuine human cognitive shock as he tries to assimilate this information into his worldview.  

Chris Lehto’s Youtube channel is now his personal inspired investigation of ufo and alien phenomena.  He’s interviewed many of the most famous minds in the ufology space and has become, I believe, one of the most credible, authentic, and trusted voices on this topic.  I genuinely love the guy.  I’ve never met him, but I will be forever grateful to his willingness to publicly struggle with, investigate, research, and speculate on this topic.  His transparency about his mind and emotions related to this topic gave me the inspiration and emotional companionship I needed to allow myself to truly consider the possible reality of what lay behind these UFO videos.  

So soon after discovering Chris Lehto, I began my research in earnest.

This is the point in the conversation where the conversation usually ends

This is the moment in my conversations with living humans, where the conversation would usually end.  Whoever I might be speaking to will at this point will grow tired and bored of the topic and want to move on.  If they continue with the topic, it will be mostly out of sympathy for me, knowing I want to discuss it more.  But unless their brain has had the same “flip of the switch” to seeing the reality of these UFO’s as both highly likely to be true and the full explanation for their existence as an important and possibly urgent mystery to solve, most people don’t have energy to go further into it.    

I’m not bored!  This is fascinating. ChatGPT:  “Given your extensive research on this topic, what are your future plans? Do you intend to compile your findings? How will you address the range of theories in this domain?”

I am on now an unstoppable quest to get to the bottom of this mystery.  If ufo’s are real, then something like aliens are real.  If ufo’s are real today, then all our old stories going back not just to 1947 and Roswell are possibly real, but it seems sightings of these phenomena seem to stretch back into ancient times.  In fact, it now seems to me that the history channel’s show “Ancient Aliens” is not a load of garbage, but is in fact incredibly compelling speculation based upon mountains of archeological evidence.  I have in fact attended multiple conferences and events related to ufos, alien abduction experiences, and everything related to the alien disclosure movement and the great deception of humanity this must have involved. – A Platform For Minds To Collaborate and Find the Truth about Everything

I have created a website for anyone to help explore any topic in a decentralized, simultaneous, egalitarian environment called, .  I use this site to explore and document almost every idea and philosophical topic I find interesting and so it has a ton on aliens.  At anyone can explore and add to the different speculative and research threads I have come up with on this topic including thoughts and implications related to every aspect of reality and human life.  Here is a small glimpse of the latest posts mentioning aliens:  

Matt Ready Podcasts Related to Aliens

In addition, I have started 3 different podcasts that delve into this topic from a few different angles.

Beyond Humanity

The first podcast I started on this topic is called “Beyond Humanity” which I started just before former intelligence officer David Grusch came forward as a whistleblower about a secret us government ufo crash retrieval and reverse engineering program.  He was interviewed at length on Newsnation and later testified before congress along with David Fravor and Ryan Graves.  The Beyond Humanity podcast was produced weekly for 16 weeks and in the podcast you can hear me and my cohost Margaret discuss our research and theories ad nauseum.  If you want to just dive in and listen to some thoughts on this topic, that might be a fun one to check out.

Meditation and Aliens

“Meditation and Aliens” is a podcast/ youtube show which I produce with life coach and meditation teacher Doro Kiley (  In this show, we discuss the latest revelations coming out of the alien disclosure movement including the congressional efforts, and also explore some of the psychological and spiritual implications of this possible truth.  At the end of each podcast, Doro guides the audience through a meditation in which people are invited to consider opening their minds up to alien contact.  Part of the inspiration for this comes from many anecdotal stories that seem to indicate telepathy might be real and aliens might use it to communicate with humans- making meditation a natural practice to examine this possibility.  

The Alien Detectives Club

Finally, “The Alien Detectives Club” is a alien disclosure podcast meant for kids and educators of children.  In this show, we gently explore the information and implications of aliens in a way that invites youth and young people to mindfully consider this topic.  This is part of what I am calling my “Ufology for Kids” series as I hope to do a lot more in this realm.  I think it is critical that our youth and educational systems begin to help us all adjust our worldviews and begin collaborating on solutions to our many problems on earth – all of which are exacerbated by a government and organized group of secret keepers that are preventing us from full understanding of our reality and universe.

Conferences, Discussion, and Live Events

As you can probably tell, I find this topic fascinating and I love talking about it.  If you are interested in helping host, organize, or participate in live events where people can get together to explore this topic and discuss all the implications in a fun safe environment, then please contact me.  I would be very interested in that as well.

Final Question “Well thank you Matt for your time today.  Although I think you are a total nutjob, I am glad I was able to help you get all this information expressed, so your future political career can be totally ruined.  My final question for you is: “Given the magnitude and potential implications of the topic of extraterrestrial existence and interactions with humanity, how do you envision a world where this information is universally acknowledged and accepted? And how do you believe society can best navigate the potential challenges and opportunities that may arise from this revelation?”

I started out researching UFO’s and aliens because I found the mystery incredibly exciting and interesting.  If UFO’s are really advanced flying saucers controlled by some advanced civilization or organization and even a fraction of the stories told by whistleblowers and alien abductees are true, then we are living in a world very different than the mainstream narrative has lead us to believe.  The challenge and wonder I felt as I began to construct entirely new worldviews and possible alternate histories of humanity as I started to piece the available data together was invigorating and fun.  Yet, it is no longer quite as fun.  It has become far more serious to me.

Unfortunately, it seems the only way aliens and ufos are real, and that the basic gist of the David Grusch story about a secret ufo alien technology program in the USA are true, is that some very immoral and disturbing things must also be true.  This includes the US Government possibly being under the thumb of non elected power monger secret keepers, serious crimes being committed over the years to hide this secret including possible assassinations and murders, and of course the possible existence of at least one advanced civilization that may regard human life with less value than we might consider ideal.  After all, this is a huge secret to keep.  You don’t manage to keep such a huge secret secret, unless you have a pretty serious fear of how everyone will react when they discover the full truth of your secret.  There seems to be some sad and sinister realities underneath the fun truth about aliens and flying saucers.

That said, I believe in truth.  I believe we need to live in a society where every human has equal vote about how we use our collective resources.  The ideal of democracy is better than most alternatives we humans have come up with- yet if the us government has been hiding aliens, then the US is not existing under a true transparent democracy as we thought.  Or the US may be a democratic institution under the authoritarian rule of some group or force we have not been permitted to see, understand, or communicate with as a populous.  

If aliens and ufos are real, then it also seems undeniable that our mainstream media channels have been complicit in this coverup and gaslighting.  This means, not only does every human now face the ontological shock of aliens, but also the ontological shock of not knowing who we can trust to tell us the truth about ANYTHING.  Who do we go to for the truth now?

Independent Uncensorable Media

The Covid pandemic and the Alien disclosure movement have seemingly demonstrated that almost all of mainstream media is under some sort of rigid control.  We cannot rely upon the mainstream to really investigate the truth of these matters- or at least, we cannot trust them to lead the way in that investigation.  We have to use the internet and independent alternative sources.  We have to listen to people and we have to judge for ourselves, are they credible?  Do we believe them?  We each need to trust our own individual instincts on this- and not any of the talking heads on television who pretend to authentically speak to us.  

This need for independent thought and discussion is why I have created, my youtube channel, twitter feed, and podcasts.  I am doing my best to figure out the truth and find others like Chris Lehto who I believe are doing the same.

We have to find new solutions and new pathways to help us rewrite our understanding of human history and the current state of human geopolitics.  If aliens are real and they have been here, then many human conflicts may just be proxy wars serving an unspoken agenda- that has nothing to do with the published narratives.

We need to stop fighting one another.  We don’t really know what is going on here on earth.  We don’t know who is in control of every country’s military – the USA, Russia, China, Israel, Palestine, the UK, anyone.  We need to all take a breath and honestly reexamine our assumptions.  

Something is going on here, that we don’t fully understand.  Let’s all take a breather from our violent bickering and conflicts and figure it out together.  Perhaps, we can rebuild our world in a way that faces the full truth of our human history and our present reality- and maybe we can rebuild it in a way that is better than anything we have ever imagined before. 

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